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Sheyna Jones

"The PA is the future of our transportation systems for land, air and sea and, it is an honor to be part of a strong workforce that is constantly evolving."

BranchUnited States Marine Corps
Military RankSergeant
Military Position(s)Fabric Repair Personnel
Training Administrator and Small Arms Repair
Active / Inactive Duty4 years: Active Duty
4 years: Inactive Ready Reserves
PA PositionTolls Supervisor at the Lincoln Tunnel
PA Tenure7 years
Previous PositionsTolls Supervisor
Tunnel & Bridge Agent
Security Guard

Can you summarize your military duties and commands?

I repaired all military issued items (i.e. field tents, canvas, tarps, Humvee covers etc.); coordinated all annual training for over 200 Marines (i.e. swim qualification, rifle range, physical fitness tests etc.) and repaired and maintained small arms weapons. I also served with the Combat Service Support Group 3 assigned to Kaneohe Bay, HI.

What factors encouraged you to apply to the Port Authority?

The fact that there are many avenues to explore, as well as promotions from within the agency. Knowing that I could move up through the ranks in the PA, I knew I made the right choice applying because I was not just going for a job. I was setting the foundation for my future career with the agency.

How did the structure and business lines of the agency compare/contrast to that of the armed forces?

The structure and business lines of the agency compare to that of the armed forces in that, like the military, the PA does follow a hierarchy format with any given situation. Like the military, PA employees represent the agency at all times. Therefore, conducting oneself in a professional manner at all times is highly important. With regard to the business lines of the agency, the PA is known for its customer service. Therefore, ensuring that the public’s needs are met with prompt and courteous customer service is central to maintaining a successful organization.

What does the PA mean to you?

The PA is the future of our transportation systems for land, air and sea. It is an honor to be part of a strong workforce that is constantly evolving. As the agency adapts to changes in technology, I have the opportunity to grow with the company and be a part of its future development.

Do you have any advice to new veterans who are looking for a position at the Port Authority?

Do not let the requirements for a job posting be discouraging. Apply anyway. Apply for all available jobs listed and go on as many interviews, but do not become discouraged if you are not chosen for the job. Keep trying. Do not look at entry-level positions negatively; it is a starting point in deciding which direction to go in next.